Is The Syma S 107 Remote Controlled Helicopter Really As Good As Everyone Says It Is?

Was this a good decision? Read on and find out.

After I got home I opened the box, inside was this cool looking Helicopter that fits in the palm of my hand. After paying only $28 for the Syma S 107, I was a bit curious about the quality. The frame is metal, and the body is covered with a kind of hardened plastic. I have to say it is really solid. Looking at the control it looks very basic, and that is what I want, keep it simple I say, especially for a beginner like me.

In the box I found a USB cable you can use to charge the batteries from your PC, alternatively you can charge the batteries with the transmitter. You also get a spare tail rotor in case you break the one on the Helicopter.

After the batteries where fully charged I decided to try my hand as a test pilot. I started the motors, and took off. This little radio controlled Helicopter is unbelievably stable. It is fitted with the latest Gyroscope technology. As part of the main rotor there is a bar with two weights at both ends, making the maneuvering of the Syma S 107 a walk in the park.

The controls are very precise, hovering is easily achievable and both forward and reverse movement along with left and right directions are accurate. The blades are hinged on the top rotor to give if they strike anything.And they did strike the wall, and yes, they did give way.

The movement through the air is not too fast for a beginner, and not to slow to get boring. And boring it is certainly not! Oh my it is the most fun I have had with a toy for a very long time, and I am 36 years old. It is official, the Syma S 107 is a very big hit in my household. Both my boys want one, and they fly it better than me, the youngest one being 9 years old.

With Christmas around the corner, this would be a perfect Christmas gift this Christmas.

The only cons I could see is that the batteries only lasts around six minutes, but maybe its a good thing, otherwise I would never get anything done. It is very addictive, you just want to play more and more.
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