Syma Helicopters: From Beginner to Advanced Helicopter Fans

If you know anything about model helicopters, then Syma helicopters are no doubt already a brand name you recognize. They are one of the leaders in their industry and rightly so.

Syma helicopters is a company based in China where they have facilities for production of these toy helicopters as well as departments for research and testing. They have been producing helicopters in various models and sizes for over ten years.

They have categorized their helicopters into six areas: RC Mini Helicopters, Syma RC Mid Size, RC Large Scale, RC Lama, RC Military and RC Gyro Helicopters. Of course, they also have all the spare parts! Naturally some of these are a better fit for a beginner and some for the advanced helicopter 'pilot'.

The mini series include the very popular Syma S107 which is a very good fit for the beginner as it is very durable and can stand a few 'knocks and bruises' which will inevitably occur. It all counts towards experience. These mini ones are better suited to indoor flying which means you can enjoy your hobby all year around.

Most of the mini series can fit into the palm of your hand and are very reasonably priced - from $25 to $90, so you can take your pick. They even have military ones in this series, like the Syma S026 Micro Chinook Cargo 3 channel. In fact this is for indoor flight only and is the smallest and lightest 3 channel helicopter with 2 rotors in the world. It is also one of the easiest models to control. It comes fully assembled - all you have to do is order or buy batteries and insert them to take your first flight.

The large-scale series are all around $70 and you can choose between the Apache, Chinook Cargo, Gyro Metal frame and the Fire Wolf. These are also easy to fly but with these you get the experience of real helicopter flight. Some models come with tandem rotor blades which means two sets of horizontal blades, one on top of the other. Co-axial blades give more stability, especially when flying indoors.

As you can see from the above, Syma helicopters are truly a leader in the field and there are more than enough models to choose from. Make sure you have the correct batteries and you will be able to fly your new helicopter as soon as you open the package.
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